Green Lake, Wimmera, Victoria 22/4/17 Oil on Panel. 265x300mm
Green Lake Conservation Reserve.
A circle of mallee gums around a dry lake bed,
The locals say there is a bog hole
and water seeps away.
The locals want to plug it,
to bring back the water,
To bring back the people
With their boats. and toys.
I say, why not let it be,
Watch and listen,
abundance enough for all,
lies here.
A crucible of fecundity
amidst the wheat fields of the Mallee.
Our soul lies down in the grass,
After two nights and days of rain,
The seed heads rise out from the mud,
Stars of pain,
Smiling at the sun.
Swiftly swiftly swallows overhead,
Their feathered bodies
spinning on the warm breeze
into the linen blue sky.
Bees and Dragon Flies,
orbiting around one another
catching the sun their Kandinsky wings.
flicking light back into our eyes.
Green Lake,
the centre of the world,
Centre of the universe
Centre of ourselves.
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